SIX QUICK WAYS TO BUILD TRUST IN YOUR TEAMOne of the biggest challenges for any team (personal or professional) is the issue of trust, either among team members or between the leader and the members. Here are six quick ways to build trust between you and your fellow team members.

1. Invest time and energy into listening and understanding. The more you know, and understand, about the members of your team and how they feel about the issues facing the team, the deeper trust is built.

2. We trust people who help us discover the truth. Help people recognize the truth, be willing to help them deal with the discomfort that may arise, and they will come to trust you.

3. Ask good questions and be willing to listen to the answers. When team members know that their ideas and opinions have value, they become more invested in the success of the team. If you begin every conversation with something about yourself, you lower your chances of developing trust.

4. Learn the values of others and respect their values. By respecting the values of others, you will build trust and allow for greater influence within the team.

5. We trust people who make us think. When Dr. Albert Schweitzer won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952, he was asked, “What’s wrong with people today?” Schweitzer replied, “People don’t think.” Today, the only difference is that our fast-paced environment leaves even less time for dedicated contemplation and consideration.

6. We trust people who care. Only those who genuinely care about others will be able to truly develop trust among those they work with.

Those who are willing to invest the time and effort to learn and apply these six skills will enhance and develop trust between themselves and their teammates, thus enhancing the culture of the team.

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Image courtesy of Terry Johnson